Pre-Meeting Discussions with Venues

Communication is always important and during these times of uncertainty we must be even more prepared!

At Meeting Sites Pro, we are in the business of planning for the future and with the changes of the last year, we have seen our business evolve almost overnight. That said, we have found ourselves continuing to plan and move forward even as the landscape of our industry and our world has changed constantly. We have found that by being flexible and continuing to adapt our meeting strategies, we have been able to keep moving forward. Addressing things ahead of time and developing contingency plans have become more important than ever as we need to be proactive as planners.

While these conversations need to be held with everyone from your client and attendees to your employees and vendors, in this most, we want to cast a focus on your venue.  Here are some key topics that need to be discussed with your venue before signing a contract, during the planning process, and through your program:

  • Attrition and Cancellation
  • Venue Capabilities and Staffing
  • Cleaning Procedures
  • Venue Infrastructure Including HVA
  • Emergency Response Plans

By having these key items discussed in advance, you can streamline the process of if something happens before the event or meeting. It is important to proactively address the big topics before they become big problems. At Meeting Sites Pro., we know pre-planning is the key to a successful event and when talking with properties we must ensure they just as prepared as we are.

“Plan flawlessly and execute flexibly!”

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Meeting Sites Pro, Inc